Detailed program
Sunday 17 / Nov
Registration 17:00 – 18:40
Opening talk. Chair: Paula Coelho (Brazil, LOC)
18:45 – 19:15 Cristina Chiappini (Germany), SOC co-chair: Challenges and opportunities in stellar populations
Monday 18 / Nov
08:00 Registration
08:50 Welcome instructions [Bruno Castilho, Brazil, LOC]
09:00 Jorge Meléndez (Brazil), SOC co-chair: Scientific contributions of Beatriz Barbuy
09:20 Helio Rocha Pinto (President of the Brazilian Astronomical Society): Contributions of Beatriz Barbuy for the development of Astronomy in Brazil

SESSION 1: The building blocks of the Halo & accretion history of the early Milky Way.
Chair: Kim Venn (backup: Katia Cunha)
09:40 – IR – Ting Li (Canada): Metal-poor stars of the Milky Way and ultra-faint dwarf galaxies
10:10 – IT – Wako Aoki (Japan): The Milky Way halo population studied with LAMOST and Subaru
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break + posters
11:00 – IR – Amina Helmi (Netherlands): Streams and accretion history
11:30 – CT – Anirudh Chiti [M] Post-Doc (USA) Early results from the DECam MAGIC Survey: Mapping the Ancient Galaxy in CaHK
11:45 – CT – Guilherme Limberg [M] Post-Doc (USA) The Rise of the r-Process in Dwarf Galaxies
12:00 – IT – Danny Horta (USA): The accretion history of the Galaxy via field and GC populations
12:20 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – IT – Else Starkenburg (Netherlands): The Pristine Survey
14:20 – CT – Yangming Lin [M] PhD student (China) Exploring the origin of neutron-capture elements through heavy-element enhanced metal-poor stars
14:35 – CT – Heitor Ernandes [M] Post-Doc (Sweden) Neutron-capture Elements Tracing the GSE’s Star Formation History
14:50 – CT – Paolo Molaro [M] Researcher (Italy) The riddle of the lithium origins
15:05 – CT – Eduardo Balbinot [M] Post-Doc (The Netherlands) The 33 Msun black hole Gaia-BH3 belongs to the disrupted ED-2 star cluster.
15:20 – CT – Maddie Lucey [F] Post-Doc (USA) The Galactic Halo’s Contribution to Inner Galaxy Stellar Populations
15:35 Coffee break + posters
SESSION 2: Globular clusters.
Chair: Francesca Primas (backup: Rodolfo Smiljanic)
16:00 – IR – Carmela Lardo (Italy): Multiple populations in globular clusters
16:30 – CT – Tuila Ziliotto [F] PhD student (Italy) Unraveling multiple stellar populations in globular clusters with JWST
16:45 – CT – Davide Massari [M] Researcher (Italy) The age of GCs as a crucial tool to reconstruct their accreted or in-situ origin
17:00 – CT – Angeles Pérez-Villegas [F] Faculty member (Mexico). The Galactic globular clusters populations based on dynamics and chemistry
17:15 – CT – Steffani Grondin [F] PhD student (Canada) Lost and Found: The discovery of hundreds of extra-tidal candidate stars from 25 globular clusters with APOGEE and Gaia
17:30 – CT – Stefano Souza [M] Post-Doc (Germany) A chrono-chemo-dynamical analysis of Globular Clusters: Looking for the fossils of the Galactic bulge formation
17:45 end of the sessions
Welcome cocktail [with live music] 19:00 – 20:00
Tuesday 19 / Nov
SESSION 3: The central parts of the galaxy.
Chair: Thomas Bensby (backup: Katia Cunha)
09:00 – IR – Sergio Ortolani (Italy): Globular clusters in the galactic bulge
09:30 – CT – Doug Geisler [M] Faculty member (Chile) Galactic Archeology with Bulge Globular Clusters
09:45 – IR – Beatriz Barbuy (Brazil): The Galactic Bulge
10:15 – CT – R. Michael Rich [M] Faculty member [USA] Metallicity, Structure, and Age of the Galactic bulge from the Blanco DECam Bulge Survey
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break + posters
11:00 – IT – Anna Barbara Queiroz (Spain): Dissecting the bulge, bar and inner disk
11:20 – IT – Anke Arentsen (UK): The ancient central population
11:40 – CT – Elena Valenti [F] Faculty member (Germany) The RRL population in the inner Galactic bulge
11:55 – CT – Govind Nandakumar [M] Post-Doc (Sweden) M giants with IGRINS: Exploring the highly extinct inner Milky Way regions with near infrared spectroscopic observations
12:10 – CT – Nils Ryde [M] Faculty member (Sweden) First detail abundance study of 20 elements in the Nuclear Star Cluster
12:25 – CT – Manuela Zoccali [F] Faculty member (Chile) On the MW Nuclear Stellar Disk
12:40 – 14:00 Lunch break
SESSION 4: The Galactic disk.
Chair: Sofia Randich (backup: Rodolfo Smiljanic)
14:00 – IR – Anthony Brown (Netherlands): Gaia: Taking the Galactic Census
14:30 – CT – Alejandra Recio-Blanco [F] Researcher (France) The chemistry of the Milky Way disc with the Gaia space mission
14:45 – CT – Samir Nepal [M] PhD student (Germany) From metal-poor to metal-rich: new insights on Milky Way bar, bulge and discs with machine learning and Gaia
15:00 – CT – Carme Gallart [F] Researcher (Spain): Chronology of our Galaxy from Gaia color-magnitude diagram fitting (ChronoGal): spatially resolved star formation histories of the Milky Way disk and halo
15:15 – CT – Nadège Lagarde [F] Researcher (France) The evolution of galactic disks: New insights with the Gaia-APOGEE-Kepler giant stars and the Besançon galaxy mode
15:30 Coffee break + posters
16:00 – IT – Norbert Przybilla (Austria): Present-day abundances from B stars
16:20 – CT – Jacques Lepine [M] Researcher (Brazil) The spiral arm structure of the Galaxy and metallicity distribution
16:35 – CT – C.Clare Worley [F] Faculty (New Zealand) Chemical signatures of the galactic disk with PCA
16:50 – CT – Grazina Tautvaisiene [F] Faculty member (Lithuania) Applicability of elemental abundance ratios as age indicators in evolved stars
17:05 – CT – Maren Brauner [F] PhD student (Spain) Chemical abundance inventory in phosphorus-rich stars
17:20 end of the sessions
17:30 – 18:00 Special session. Chair: Camila de Sá Freitas
Career development and EDI principles, by Francesca Primas (ESO)
For early-career scientists only, i.e. graduate students and young post-docs
(weather permitting)
Night observations:
Nov. 19, 19:00 – 22:00 At the Largo de Santa Rita, in front of SESC
Day (solar) observations:
Nov. 20, at Paraty’s downtown
Wednesday 20 / Nov
SESSION 5: Spectroscopic surveys
Chair: Katia Cunha (backup: Rodolfo Smiljanic)
09:00 – IR – Vanessa Hill (France): Spectroscopic surveys in the Gaia era
09:30 – IT – Haining Li (China): Exploring the Milky Way with LAMOST Survey
09:50 – IT – Sofia Randich (Italy): The Gaia-ESO Survey, its legacy, and new perspectives
10:10 – IT – Ricardo Schiavon (UK): The APOGEE survey
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break + posters
11:00 – IT – Sarah Martell (Australia): The GALAH survey
11:20 – IT – Jennifer Johnson (USA): Stellar Populations in SDSS-V/Milky Way Mapper
11:40 – IT – Marica Valentini (Germany): 4MOST: 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope
12:00 end of the sessions
Free Afternoon
We suggest you enjoy outdoor activities on Wednesday afternoon.
Boat tour (4 boats) leaves at 1pm from the Cais do Paraty (Cais de Turismo)
PUBLIC TALKS (in Portuguese, at the Villas Paraty venue)
Chair: Fabrícia Barbosa (IAG-USP)
19:00 – 19:30 Prof. Dr. Helio Rocha Pinto (Observatório do Valongo – UFRJ, Brasil):
Constelações e cosmogonia tupi-guarani
19:30 – 20:00 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Schiavon (Liverpool John Moores University, Inglaterra):
Por que você está aqui
Thursday 21 / Nov
SESSION 6: Methods for abundance analysis and population synthesis
Chair: Claus Leitherer (backup: Lucimara Martins)
09:00 – IR – Carlos Allende Prieto (Spain): Automated methods for abundance determination
09:30 – CT – Guillaume Guiglion [M] Post-Doc (Germany) Realising the potential of large spectroscopic surveys with machine-learning
09:45 – IR – Paula Coelho (Brazil): Stellar Spectral Libraries for Stellar Populations Studies
10:15 – CT – Emilio Zanatta [M] Post-Doc (Brazil) Unveiling Extragalactic Globular Clusters: Insights from X-Shooter Spectra and NIR Abundances
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break + posters
11:00 – IR Alexandre Vazdekis (Spain): Stellar populations model developments
11:30 – CT – Francesco La Barbera [M] Researcher (Italy) Stellar populations and chemical abundance ratios for the bulge of M31
11:45 – CT – Francesca Pinna [F] Post-Doc (Spain) Stellar populations of thick and thin disks in Milky Way-mass galaxies: observations from the GECKOS survey and simulations
SESSION 7: Cosmological simulations and chemical evolution.
Chair: Anthony Brown (backup: Kim Venn)
12:00 – IR – Chiaki Kobayashi (UK): Chemical evolution with hydrodynamical cosmological simulations
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – IT – Andrew Wetzel (USA), FIRE/Latte simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies
14:20 – CT – Alice Mori [F] PhD student (Italy) Metallicity distributions of halo stars: do they trace the Galactic accretion history?
14:35 – CT – Kaley Brauer [F] Post-Doc (USA) Highly-Resolved Chemical Abundances of Individual Stars from Simulated Dwarf Galaxies
14:50 – CT – Patricia Tissera [F] Faculty member (Chile) A secondary dependence of the MZR on the metallicity gradients
15:05 – CT – Martina Rossi [F] Post-Doc (Italy) The early chemical evolution of CNO elements through different environments and cosmic epochs
15:20 – 15:50 Coffee break + posters
SESSION 8: Resolved extragalactic stellar populations.
Chair: Marina Trevisan (backup: Roberto Cid Fernandes)
15:50 – IR – Nitya Kallivayalil (USA): Local Group Cosmology: lessons from mapping the stellar populations in the nearby universe
16:20 – IT – Maria Celeste Parisi (Argentina): The interaction history of the Magellanic Clouds as told by their stellar populations
16:40 – CT – Bruno Dias [M] Faculty member (Chile): The VISCACHA survey reveals the SMC in 8D
16:55 – CT – Julio Chanamé [M] Faculty member (Chile) The predicted and measured impact of the LMC’s Passage through the Milky Way Halo
17:10 – IT – Mario Gennaro (USA): The low-mass IMF: a review and an illustration of future prospects with JWST
17:30 – CT – Conor Nally [M] PhD student (Scotland) The stellar content of NGC 6822 with JWST
17:45 end of the sessions
19:30 Conference dinner at the Margarida Cafe
Entries, main dish (meat, fish or vegetarian), desert and 3 drinks. Live music
Friday 22 / Nov
SESSION 9: Unresolved extragalactic stellar populations / JWST / Euclid
Chair: Roberto Cid Fernandes (backup: Marina Trevisan)
09:00 – IR – Gustavo Bruzual (Mexico): Stellar populations in distant galaxies
09:30 – IT – Grazyna Stasinska (France): Modeling emission lines in early type galaxies
09:50 – CT – Giacomo Bortolini [M] PhD student (Sweden) Unveiling IZw18 age’s mystery: Resolved Stellar Populations and Star Formation History Study with JWST/NIRCam
10:05 – CT – Jess Howell [F] PhD student (United Kingdom) First science with Euclid – the star cluster systems of local group galaxies IC 10 and NGC 6822
10:20 – 10:50 Coffee break + posters
SESSION 10: Future instrumentation
Chair: Francesca Primas (backup: Verne Smith)
10:50 – IR – Bruno Castilho (Brazil): Future instrumentation for Galactic Archaeology
11:20 – CT – Luca Pasquini [M] Faculty member (Germany) ESO & stellar population studies
11:35 – CT – Dante Minniti [M] Faculty member (Chile) Dreaming the next generation Galactic plane survey with the Nancy Roman Space Telescope
11:50 – IR – Alvio Renzini (Italy): Conference summary
Closing – last announcements 12:15
12:30 Boarding of the first bus to Rio de Janeiro (GIG + ON) and São Paulo (GRU, then VM)
12:40 Departure
14:00 Boarding of the second bus to Rio de Janeiro (ON) and São Paulo (GRU, then VM)
14:10 Departure