
The Proceedings of IAU Symposium 395 will be published by the official IAU publisher Cambridge University Press ( All participants will have free electronic access. The editors are Jorge Meléndez (Universidade de São Paulo), Cristina Chiappini (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam), Ricardo Schiavon (Liverpool John Moores University) and Marina Trevisan (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul).

All contributions must be sent via the website: If you have submitted a contribution to other IAU proceedings, you may already have a ScholarOne account. Otherwise, proceed to create one in the main menu, then click on “Author” and “Start New Submission”. Our Symposium (IAU S395) is available from the drop-down menu at the end of step 1 of submission. Notice that you can only upload 3 files at a time, but you can do this multiple times. Make sure to also upload your final PDF file, just for reference. The arXiv step is optional and the cover letter is not required.

The Online submission will be accepted until January 22, 2025 (2 months after the end of IAU 395, so that the editors have one month to check the submissions). If you are travelling during this period, we suggest that you anticipate your contribution (for example, submit before Christmas). We are flexible regarding the content of your contribution. Feel free to give some details that cannot normally be included in regular papers, such as historical aspects.

The IAU general instructions for writing your contribution are available here. For IAUS 395, the suggested number of pages is 6 to 14 for invited reviews, 5 to 10 for invited talks and 4 to 8 for contributed talks. Posters should be 2 pages, but if needed it could be 3 pages. Posters will only be included in the electronic version of the proceedings.

All the relevant files to prepare your latex contribution are available as a zip file (compressed directory) at Write your contribution using the file iauguide_iau395.tex (included in the above zip file, or download/save link iauguide_iau395.tex).

The LaTeX template files are also available at the IAU website, but in that case, don’t forget to also download/save the latex template iauguide_iau395.tex (use this instead of iauguide.tex).