An event sponsored by the IAU | November 17-22, 2024
Educational Activities
Public telescope viewing at night, November 19 (Tuesday) 19:00 – 22:00 at the Largo de Santa Rita, in front of SESC Paraty.
Public talks (in Portuguese, at the Villas Paraty venue):
19:00 – 19:30 Prof. Dr. Helio Rocha Pinto (Observatório do Valongo – UFRJ, Brasil), President of the Brazilian Astronomical Society: Constelações e cosmogonia tupi-guarani
19:30 – 20:00 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Schiavon (Liverpool John Moores University, Inglaterra): Por que você está aqui
Talks at a the local school “Centro de Ensino Integrado”, November 21, 14:30 – 16:30:
Luan Ghezzi (Observatório do Valongo – UFRJ): A Busca de Vida do Universo
Camila de Sa Freitas (European Southern Observatory): As estrelas da Via Láctea