Guidelines for posters and talks


To avoid breaks, presentations from speakers’ own laptops are not permitted. The speakers have been already contacted to start sending their PDF presentations. We suggest that you send us your presentation, even if it is just a preliminary version, by November 16th, so that in case of an internet outage, we at least have a backup. The deadline for sending your presentation is 24 hours before your talk. Please, name the file as firstname_lastname.pdf.

All speakers must provide a PDF file. When strictly necessary, such as to present embedded movies, the authors can also upload a keynote (mac) or powerpoint (mac/pc) file. In such cases, a backup PDF file must also be provided.


The number of your poster is provided in the list of participants. The poster should be A0 portrait oriented (width 84.1 cm [ 33.1 inches], height 118.9 cm [46.8 inches]) and should have a top rope to hang it, as shown in the image below.